We've just spent a month building content for a kinda Big Green Switch treehouse 'eco-emporium' (good name Steve).
We've stuff from cool sculptie recycling bins and sun-trackin' solar lights through to wind speed tracking wind turbines and even full eco-homes! Check out the 15 bespoke flowers from Soliel Snook, like, seriously nice work. We're near ABs plot at Gourdneck (yup, that's mainland), and we've tonnes of environmentally-friendly products and gadgets to be picked up for free by any hardy SL bod who happens by.
Each freebie has info and links about how it can be of environmental benefit back in the real world. Basically, residents are encouraged to take the stuff and spread it throughout our humble little virtual world, at the same time spreading the message about smarter, greener living. That's the plan at any rate.
As well as the eco-freebies we're giving away, we're also offering SL residents the ability to carbon offset their Avatar’s (or their sims) carbon footprint. Sweet :-)
Here's how it works - a SL user purchases our set of 10 swanky and exclusive (Carricre 'Wood Wizard' Wind) trees for L$3000, then 100% of that money goes into the dedicated Big Green Switch offsetting fund. Periodically, the fund is converted into UK Sterling then invested in tree planting schemes via the UK's Tree Appeal organization. SL land owners can also carbon offset their sim, for a measly L$1000 for 12 months. Bargain :-)
So join us at our BGS treehouse eco-boutique [SLURL] and come bag some quality freebies.