Tonight, at Tribute Island (the Lasting Tribute sim), the well-known avatar Louis Volare (real-life musician Louis Landon of www.louislandon.com) will be playing his live tribute to John Lennon and raising L$ for the American Cancer Societies 'Relay for Life'. This will be followed by a 2hr tribute to John by our good friend Gabi Riel of the online rado station Radio Riel. I'm quite a fan of Louis actually, I've been to a few of his gigs in the past, and I'm rather looking forward to this :-)

Just follow this URL to get to Tribute Island [SLURL] for the event. It promises to be a crakin' night, and a big step on from our previous run of music evenings that went down a storm earlier this year. So, 27th of June, 1PM-4PM SLT (9PM-12PM GMT), at Tribute Island. Get here early, as the sim is bound to fill up quick!
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