Quick House Visit
Keys in hand, we went for a prowl around the new house this morning.‘Pemberley Cottage’ (the new gaff) is a small, grade 2 listed cottage that needs a bit of TLC. It’s great, way bigger than the boat, with a lot more light than we originally thought. Walking around and planning the future was cool.
I took great pleasure in flushing the loo and knowing I wouldn’t be seeing it again in a weeks time (comment just for Barnze, as he, like many others, seems obsessed by my bog).Jema got all over excited about the bath again, and justifiably so, even if it is 'advocado'. We spent an hour rooting around the garden, finding what bulbs are coming up and doing a bit of improptu weeding, then realised we didn’t have a kettle so went in search of tiffin.We had a look around Belper and took in the local shopping possibilities. There's a nice looking bakery, and Dexter has loads of links to organic stuff on his blog that I'll be checking out in the coming weeks.
There’s a cleaner coming in Tuesday, Jema and I are so lacking time right now, to do a quick once-round. We're moving in Thursday, which gives me a day of hurried packing on Wednesday. Pig is turning up with a van and picking emergency furniture up from my folks. We need to do a bit of rabbit proofing, then we’re going to need to get onto the repairs as soon as we’re in. The flat roof, the damp course, the tiny bit of wood worm etc. but it all looks pretty painless compared to condensation and topping up the batteries every week. I can't wait to get shut of that naff gas fire and batter some 70's out of the place and stick some 'regency' back in.
We snapped a load of photos as a ‘before’, so we’ve always got a record of what it was like.
Guess I need to start transfering gas and phones and electric and all that now.
Mmmmmmmmmmmm, bike shed and ADSL...